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Natural Hair Program

Program description:

Unlock the art of natural hair care and styling in just 9-12 weeks/300 clock hours with our specialized Natural Hairstyling Program. Learn to celebrate and enhance natural curls, coils, and waves through braiding, twisting, locs, and more. 


With flexible scheduling and online components, this program offers a fast track to a rewarding career in natural hairstyling. 


Loc Experience

class description:

Professional Stylists will gain the knowledge and skills needed to start and maintain Locs. Focusing on cleaning, parting, and re-twisting Locs.


Locations: Salons/Virtual or In-Person 1-on-1

Pricing for Salons: $1500/day or 8 hrs.

Pricing for 1-on-1: $150/hr. with a minimum of 5 hours

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